"Change, like a wedding or retirement, is  a singular event; transition, like the marriage or the rest of your life, is an ongoing process of adapting, inner transforming  and learning."


"In the middle of the road of my life I awoke in a dark wood where the true way was wholly lost."

- Dante  


"Life is like a 10 speed bike.  Most of us have gears we never use."

-Charles Schultz  


"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

- Mary Oliver


"The idea is to die young as late as possible."

- Ashley Montague


"Perhaps your life is filled with secret possibilities you never imagined."

- Robert Fritz  


"I was going to stop procrastinating but I decided to put it off."

- Anonymous


When you feel connected to something, that connection gives you a purpose for living."

- Jon Kabat-Zinn


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Graeme T. Clark, Ph.D.

In my work with clients, I have four priorities -- one, bringing the voice of the child into the divorce process for parents and lawyers; two, assisting separated parents in their efforts to disengage cleanly from ongoing power struggles and residual emotional  pain, so they can build respectful co-parenting regimes for their kids; three, helping lawyers and the Courts understand and work effectively with difficult and/or high conflict clients; and four, guiding adults so that difficult life transitions become opportunities for transformative, energizing growth and fullfillment.

My life has been shaped by several major transitions, planned and unplanned--family illnesses, career moves, divorce and remarriage, parental deaths, raising children--and has also been informed by my years as a practicing psychologist.  As a "baby boomer," I too have experienced drastic changes in  the workworld, shifting gender roles and expectations, the wane of organized religion, globalization of the multi-cultural world, and growing reliance on technological innovation.

Over the years I've acquired an enduring belief in the resilience and creativity of the human spirit, especially in the face of adversity and challenge.  I learned about both courage and teamwork with the psychosocial and spiritual care group at the Cross Cancer Institute, and later co-founded the Centre for Family & Health Psychology, a collaborative group of colleagues with whom I remain closely affiliated.  My interests in transformative education for adults, and in emotional and spiritual development, were nurtured through teaching many years at St. Stephen's College, an ecumenical theological school in Edmonton.  These days, my active schedule of professional development, combined with writing a parent guide to collaborative divorce, reflect my dedication to lifelong learning.

 It's challenging to accompany others through difficult life transitions and changes.  I find that coaching is inspiring, often fun and certainly satisfying.  I love meeting the children I talk to regularly. As Art Linkletter used to say, "children say the darndest things!" As well, I love hearing about successes and new developments from past clients, and I truly enjoy working with the many dedicated lawyers and other professionals with whom I collaborate.

Although I maintain a very full schedule, I've already begun the planning phase for my semi-retirement, with improved physical fitness, and increased time spent golfing, gardening, writing and scheming future travels.